Almost forgot to put some pics up from the Rock Band jam. Ya, I managed to grab some nice shots all while putting the smack down on everyone with my fierce drum skills. =)
There's innocent Zac, and then there's the real Zac...

There's the Liz (aka Maguire) that always knows where the camera is, and then there's rock star Liz...
And here she is joining in on our crew's latest craze... photobombing. If you aren't aware of what photobombing is, here's a brief explanation. Find that one person in your group (or a stranger in public if you have the guts) that always has a camera out, and right at the moment they take a pic, jump behind the subject or somewhere in the frame, and do something completely off the wall. It works especially well with people taking pictures of themselves (for say, MySpace) because they can't see what is behind them while taking the picture. Nice devilhorns. Well played, Maguire.
And here is Casey. I swear, I've never seen a grown man this happy in my life. It's like he's seven years old all over again. If you're reading this Casey, I apologize for exploiting your enjoyment in front of the world. It was too good to let pass. =)