Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Gettin' My Blog On

Wow...I'm really awful at posting here... My apologies.

Anywho, just thought I'd drop in since I just did a major gallery update to my site. If you haven't been there for a while, the music has been updated, as well as the new "Early Years" gallery. I also added a ton of more senior pics to the "Seniors" gallery. I figured since seniors are my main focus of business, I should have more than 4 people in there. =P

Let me know what you think about the new music. There's a bunch more tracks than there was before...I think 11 now. Just some of my favorite tunes at the moment by some great bands. If you are interested in knowing more about the artists, you can scroll your mouse over the music note on my site and click on the name of the track. It will take you to either their official site, or their MySpace. The site has a completely different feel to it with the new music, hopefully it still works!

That's it for now. Talk to you all soon.

One Love,
