I'm sooooooooooooo far behind on movies it's ridiculous. I try to watch a couple new movies every week to make use of the Blockbuster: Total Access monthly fee.... which, if you love movies like me, you should definitely look in to. It's pretty much like Netflix, except you can return your movies to the store and exchange them for a rental for free, instead of always waiting for a new one in the mail. Ironman is out on Blu-Ray now, which I'm sure looks fantabulous. Gotta' make time for that...
Now, besides photography, my other addiction (video games) is about to get some fresh meat. On October 19th, I will be going to pick up my Rock Band 2 bundle. It's been preordered for almost a month now, and time is passing so freaking slow waiting for it to come out! If you love music, and have even a slight interest in video games, BUY IT. It's out for Xbox 360 already and is getting ready to release for PS2/PS3 and Wii. The basic idea? Start a band with a lead singer, guitar player, bass player, and a drummer (yes, 4 people jam at once to some of the best classic and modern day rock songs), score some fans, make some money, take over the world. Well, something like that. =P
On the subject of music, what's new? I get one radio station at work, and their rotation consists of about 5 songs. Bleh. I've been listening to mostly alternative/rock lately (to get prepared for Rock Band 2 of course =P), but I love pretty much anything that catches my attention. Let's take a look at what's in the shuffle right now...
Panic! At The Disco, Shiny Toy Guns, Tokio Hotel, Ludo, and of course Fallout Boy. Quite a few songs by Rise Against. I may be out of the loop, but I just became aware of Rise Against when I started downloading some of the songs for RB2. Seriously diggin' them.
Drop me a line if you think there's something out there I need to check out!
One Love,